lunes, 27 de febrero de 2023

Coconut Cookies


By the time I realized it, purple had already invaded my life like a flood of grape jelly. And it all started with this woman with the curly permed hair.

         It was my habit of getting into reading the board announcements at the bus stop. Everybody does that. That’s why they stick them there: to keep you entertained while you wait. This one advertised a Saturday street food fair. I had nothing to do that weekend and decided to go.

         It was in a vacant lot on the outskirts of the city. I had a hard time getting to it because I had to pass through an industrial zone and there were no streets around there, only fenced corridors between warehouses and factories. Not a house, not a store. And no one to ask because, being a weekend, the workers were not working. It was very hot and everything was silent, as if abandoned. But well, finally who knows how I found the place. It was full of young people and, although it was advertised as a street food fair, there were more beer stalls than food stalls: tents with colored tarps and banners and, everywhere, music like an ice cream cart.

The woman with the purple perm had a stand of violet-painted coconut cookies. I would have passed her by, but the truth is that everything was so expensive there, I was starving, and those cookies were the least expensive thing. I bought a bag of half a dozen and a soda. They were really weird cookies: they tasted like coconut and smelled like violets. And they were big; I could have filled up on them, but they were too sweet and I couldn’t eat more than three. There was nothing else to do there. I felt irritated that I had gone so far for such a miserable fair. I was tired from walking, and my stomach began to growl because the cookies contained too much fat.

Everywhere there were tables with benches where groups of young people drank beer. It smelled of marijuana. Some girls, perhaps because of the effect of all that, were taking off their clothes climbing on the tables, to the rhythm of that childish ice cream cart music. I sat on a truck tire watching them and trying to finish my cookies and soda. I spent maybe two hours like that, maybe more.

“By sunset, everyone will be dancing naked,” said a voice behind me. It was the woman with the purple perm.

         I just smiled at her.

“You don’t like dancing?”, she asked me.

         “I don't know how to dance to that music.”

         “As you wish. I'm leaving now.”

         “And the cookies?

         “I’ve already sold them all and I don’t have enough dough to make more.”

         Certainly, she had taken off her white apron. She was wearing a yellow dress with green flowers, revealing the straps of her lilac bra. Purple shoes, purple backpack. From the zipper of the backpack hung a stuffed penguin.

         I watched her walk towards the exit and, just as I was about to lose sight of her, the idea dawned on me and I ran to catch up with her.

“Hey, you going to town?”

         “Yep. You too?”

         “Yes. Can I come with you? I got lost on my way here and ended up walking a lot.”

         “The bus stop is near here.”

         “I must have got off earlier.”

         “Let’s go, then,” she said, and grabbed my arm like girlfriends did in my grandmother’s day.

         On the way we started talking and then, instead of taking the bus, we went for a walk through the industrial zone. We laughed when we were startled by a dog, marveled at the beauty of a rusting structure and, as it began to get dark, considered going back to the fair and joining in the drunkenness of the young people. The birds were finishing their day’s work and were returning to the few trees.

“There used to be magpies around here.”

         “Magpies? I don’t remember seeing any.”

         “Because there aren't any anymore. They left when the factories came.”

         I didn’t say anything else. I didn’t know what to say.

         “I grew up around here,” she continued. “I rode my bike all over this place a thousand times.”

         “You had a bicycle? I know what color it was,” I joked.

         The sky had turned purple, indigo. I lost myself in it, and when I came to, we were already at her house.

         Many people say their life is pink, others see it as gray. Mine had turned purple.       

         I went to live with her, in her house with purple walls, full of purple things. And I learned to make cookies that tasted like coconut and smelled like violet. I got used to going from fair to fair and making love in the already closed stall, while outside the night was intoxicated with youth. That was easy. The hard part was facing the fear that I was going crazy, when I started to see purple spots every time I closed my eyes. Because then those spots grew, escaped through my eyelids and ran down my cheeks like crying violets: a copious, unstoppable weeping that flooded my whole world.

         The only thing that calms me is being in bed with her, having her asleep in my arms and breathing in the smell of grape shampoo from her curly hair.

viernes, 24 de febrero de 2023

Fear of Cats

Every time I have to walk past the French lattice house I cross to the sidewalk in front of it. It's scary: it's full of cats. Seriously, I counted twenty-two, but there must be more. It's an old building. Theoretically it's not abandoned, but no one is ever seen there and no one takes care of the garden. The cats must have found their way into the rooms or basements, and they have made their den in that house and are always watching it. But what scares me is not that, but that they talk to me. Yes, yes, that's what I said: those cats talk.

The first time it happened, I was distracted, reading without paying attention to the plaque according to which a famous poet of the 19th century lived in that building. And lo and behold, someone said to me:

          “Morning, sir.”

         I was neither startled nor surprised. It was a common voice of a mature, educated man, and I thought it came from inside: the owner, who wanted to make friends or needed help. I peeked out as far as the entrance gate would allow. I was still trying to peer through the shadows that seemed to move behind the latticework when I heard him again:

          “Good morning, sir.”

         The voice was not coming from anywhere inside. It came from... a huge, gray cat lying on the steps of the front door and squinting at me.

          “I said good morning to you, sir.”

         That was so strange to me that I didn't believe myself. I turned my back on the cat and the house and resumed my walk without answering. I walked away as fast as I could. Several times during the course of the day, I thought about the event again. The feeling that you are going crazy is horrible. Because of that same fear I went back: I wanted to see if it was true; that is, if it happened again. Because if it happened again, then I would have to take the matter seriously and come to some conclusion. I was nervous when I got to the house, so I couldn't help looking at the cats as if they had been scorpions.

         I kept looking at the one who was closest to the fence. I leaned towards it with the face of a confessor or a psychoanalyst who is ready to listen. The ungrateful animal answered me with a look of contempt, turned around and farted at me before leaving. I tried another, with similar results: saddened? angry? Quite the opposite: I was happy (I'm not crazy! Ah, I'm not crazy! Hallelujah!) I was already leaving whistling a happy song when I heard a female voice say to me:

“Goodbye, cutie.”

I felt ice being poured on my back and slowly, very slowly, I turned around.

“Weren't you leaving?” The same voice reproached me. It came from a white female cat (I guess it was a female). From no one else but her. I had clearly seen her cat-stinky snout twitching as she uttered the words.

“You-you-you spoke to me?” I stammered.

The cat narrowed her eyes.

“Let's see”, I begged. “Say it again.”

At that moment I was startled by a presence I hadn't felt coming.

“Do you also like to talk to the kittens?” A little old lady asked me, with a smile on her face. I was horrified by the question.

“Don't be embarrassed," she said, with the same sweet voice, "I do it every time I come to leave them their cookies.”

“And... and... do they answer?”

“Of course! They are very smart little animals.”

“But... can they... talk?”

“Talk!” Laughed the old lady. “Of course not. Even if you and I like to think of them as babies, they are cats.”

“Yes, yes, but... you said you talked to them.”

“I was just saying, sir,” laughed the good lady again. “You didn't think I was crazy, did you?”

“I'm the crazy one,” I felt like saying, but I kept quiet.

She continued:

“What happens is that I talk to them and, well, they answer with meows, sometimes just with their eyes. They are very expressive kittens, aren't they? And very intelligent. You see, since they know I'm bringing them food, they're all here already.”

Sure enough, while I was distracted in conversation, a bunch of flea-infested cats of all colors had gathered behind the fence and on the sidewalk around us. Two of them were carving at the little old lady’s calves. I would have run if I hadn’t been paralyzed by terror. However, I managed to hide it.

“Well,” I stammered, “I have to go. Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

“Nice to meet you, sir.”

I walked away slowly, turning every few steps to see if everything was normal. And yes, we could tell. The little old lady stood there feeding those sinister animals and talking to them as if they were children. They just meowed. Meowed.

That same Friday, at the weekly coffee meeting, I asked the old boys:

“Have you ever heard a talking cat?”

“Sure,” one of them answered. “There you have Top Cat, Choo-Choo, Benny, Fancy-Fancy…”

“Sylvester,” said another.

“Sylvester doesn't speak, you idiot,” said another.

Nobody took my concern seriously.

“They are cats, not parakeets,” my old mother told me the day I went to visit her and asked her.

My sister scolded me:

“Don’t read so much anymore, you're going crazy.”

Anyway, I better stopped commenting to people. But I know that the cats in that house talk; I have listened to them on other occasions and I don’t even have the satisfaction of saying that they have revealed to me something of how much they must know. They tell me only what is necessary to distress me: a greeting, a single phrase. That is why now I try not to pass that way. I can't avoid the street because I’d have to make a long detour, but I try to walk along the sidewalk in front of it. Even so, my hair stands on end when I hear a feline voice say to me:

“Morning, sir”.

Coconut Cookies

  By the time I realized it, purple had already invaded my life like a flood of grape jelly. And it all started with this woman with the cur...